Motherfucking Werewolves

Aug 07, 2012 14:14

Teen Wolf is ruining my life. I spend every Monday night in state of anxiety over these stupid teenagers, clawing at my face and screaming into my fist. Last night's episode, "Battlefield" left me shaking. Shaking. Over an MTV show. It's pretty much certain that at least one character is going to die in the finale, and it has been mentioned in interviews by Jeff Davis that one of the main characters may die in the finale. This freaks me the fuck out to be honest. When I am able to relax and think rationally about it, I think it's going to be Gerard and possible Boyd. But when I look at my real fears, I think it's going to be Derek.

Jeff Davis has said that Derek's hubris is his downfall, and maybe he figures it out and redeems himself in time or maybe not. It seems to me that the most obvious way for Derek to redeem himself is by sacrificing himself to save the others. I'm genuinely worried about him. I know the cast and Davis have all been teasing and promising Sterek, but what if it is all just that? A tease. I read somewhere (on Tumblr, natch) that Holland Roden said in an interview that one of main cast does die and she hopes the fans don't hate the show because of it. The only way this makes sense to me is if they kill off Derek and the fans freak because the show built up such hope for Sterek.

God, I cannot believe I am rambling like this over a character on an MTV show. Someone, please talk me down off this ledge and tell me I'm being silly and Stiles and Derek will live happily ever after raising adopted werebabies, possibly named Jarvis. Someone. Please. Tell. Me. This.

Or just slap me back to my senses. Either way. I'll just be over there in a corner rocking back and forth until next Monday.

teen wolf

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