The Avengers

May 05, 2012 16:33

Saw the movie. Swooned over everything.

I'm not going to go into a lot of detail here, as I'm not going to say anything that hasn't already been said in a hundred other reaction posts. But a few points.

First, obviously is Coulson. I was spoiled on his death a few weeks ago (accidentally) and was sick about it for days. I eventually resigned myself to it. Having seen the movie now, I don't think Phil is really dead. (And it's not all just tin-hatting to make myself feel better.) We only have Nick Fury's word that the medical team declared Coulson dead. Fury quickly established himself as a manipulative lying liar who lies. Coulson himself acknowledged that the team needed something to rally around, a kick in the pants as it were. And while I think Coulson was in fact gravely wounded and was perhaps mostly dead, as Miracle Max tells us, mostly dead is slightly alive. Plus, there is the incorporation of Coulson into the comic-book verse and elsewhere and the rumors that Clark Gregg will be in Iron Man 3 and other future Marvel movies. Only time will tell, but I am hopeful.

Second, I thought every actor did a great job with their characters. I was happy to see that Natasha was the fiercest BAMF to ever BAMF, and that she and Clint were not just superfluous. They both played real parts in the battle and eventual victory. Their dynamic was so good. I really believed that they were true partners who really trusted each other. Jeremy Renner was perfect as usual. His angst over what he had done while under Loki's influence was heartbreaking. Mark Ruffalo was fantastic both as Banner and as Hulk. Chris Evans was just so good as Cap again. I can't wait for Captain America 2 now. And DAMN, he was just so freaking beautiful in this movie. RDJ as Tony. Magnificent snarky bastard.

Loki. God, Tom Hiddleston is just amazeballs.

I really wasn't expecting the movie to be as funny as it was. I knew it would be clever given that it was written by Joss Whedon. But it was just hilarious at times. It takes a master to make you laugh until you choke just a few minutes after stabbing you (or your favorite character) in the back.

I will be interested to see how the movie shapes the fan fic from here on out. I think the movie has kind of turned most of the fandom tropes on their heads, and not just the Steve/Tony or Clint/Phil ships. I think the biggest change will be in how people write the team dynamic. Until now, I think most fic has featured the team living as a family of sorts. Obviously, that is not the case at the end of the movie (except for when they all go out to get shawarma, and dear god, how hilarious was that scene?).

Anyway, that's my two cents. I will definitely see it again.

avengers assemble!, pure awesomeness

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