Sep 15, 2004 09:14
so i absolutely HATE working in wireless. it seems like the managers are incredibly ignorant to us. they insist on us "zoning," which basically means we stand at the front of the department, and act as information "scarecrows," pointing people to this and that. its sad, wireless is always 7th out of 7 departments in the store in revenue, and the managers actually think that the reason for this poor showing is because we aren't "zoning" enough. no dumbasses, the reason why we are always last in revenue is because we don't have anything to sell that generates revenue...oh yah, about 15 cells thats range $30-399, 8 PDA's that rand between $199-399, and a bazilion house phones that range between $19-180. oh yah, and a bunch of shit accessories that are about $5-40 a pop that no one ever buys. lets see, we sell a handful of cell's and maybe 1PDA a day, plus some housephones...ooooooh yeeeeeeeeah......thats just rolling in the revs. we get fees for activating phones and whatnot, but that doesn't show up on our report. so lame.