(no subject)

Sep 03, 2008 13:22

So this morning, my office-mate N brought in a gigantic cooler full of venison and a vacuum-seal machine, and recruited our office manager (his sister, A) to help him vacuum-seal all of it. There was a lot, too--apparently three whole deer, though no forward-body (I was about to say upper-body, lol) meat. He and the rest of the family I work for shot these deer themselves of course. During all this, N and A proceeded to have a really long conversation about food, and recipes, and the vegetables in thier gardens, and what to do with this venison, and their kids' sports activities.

In other news, my mom got me a copy of Sandman: King of Dreams at Dragon*Con. It's very nice, basically an artbook with stuff about Sandman... making-of type of thing, I think. It's making me want to read Sandman again (more). I could, very easily, but I have a lot on my reading plate currently, and also I think B the Comics Library wants me to read Punisher or Preacher, or possibly something else entirely. League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? I did get through Watchmen, though.

Speaking of which, A Few Thoughts on Watchmen: I decided to pick this up because the trailer does look really cool, and because while I am often a noob, I am usually a dutiful noob.  So I figured, I had better read this before the movie comes out.  It was very good, and complex, I see why it's so popular and acclaimed.  And the movie still looks cool, BUT... I'm dubious now.  One: Watchmen is not an easily filmable story.  It's just not.  A good bit of the story is revealed in the comic by means of excerpts from books within the fictional world, stuck at the end of each chapter.  The story itself is layered and has a lot to do with the politics and history of the fictional world.  Watchmen even has a comic-within-a-comic as a commentary on the main plot.  These kinds of things do not translate well to film.  Two: I have a sneaking feeling - based on the trailer, photos, etc. - that they are making the superheroes a bit too young and hot.  The youngest heroes in the comic are in their... mid-thirties or so I guess.  And I saw Nite Owl, okay, and he was looking really trim in those movie photos!  To be fair, that could be from one of the flashback sequences.  But I will shake my head and say "tsk" if they Hollywood out there, and keep Nite Owl from being kinda fat, middle-aged, bespectacled, a little awkward, and 100% awesome, as he was in the comic.  Three, and this is not so much a concern as a lolservation: So... that trailer looks really action-packed and badass and stuff, but... there are like, two big fight scenes in Watchmen, that's it...

ilu south, watchmen

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