
Jan 02, 2006 00:50

haha, haven't been back for so long that i nearly forgot my password to this account. now due to shougeki's comment, i intend to make my first entry in 2006 here. 冷落这帐户只是暂时的, surely i have created accounts on various websites for more than just territorial pissing purpose. :P

met up with L, S, T and Z on santana row the other day. the sino place closed at 12am and since no one else found the idea of hanging out at safeway appealing (aww, only if the cars were in my hands then they'd have no choice), we drove to san jose and chilled at carrow's. what a crappy place for food...i had to drain my salad so i wouldn't have to taste any of the nasty italian dressing. as always, T had another of his ingenious ideas while eating hash browns -- his new year's resolution would just be to keep his new year's resolution, period. haha, he's quite into that catch 22 stuff, but this still doesn't beat the communist casino called China=>Chyna=>Shyna idea, hahaha...

迈进二零零六, 我们离上世纪越来越远. once we've passed the five year mark, the newness of the 21st century starts to wear off. 世纪都跨了, 还有什么更重大的日子可以让我们期待? 以后一年就是一年.
当初一想到新世纪就激动, 心中充满了诸多希望期待憧憬, 巴不得那9字后的个位数翻得越快越好. 但现在看来我的心态好像跟九零年代时的没多大变化, 可能是因为身处美国吧. 父亲说这国家和他21年前来时没什么两样. 发展到顶了就是这样? 我怕自己会厌倦了这种稳定, i do like changes and uncertainties to a certain degree, i want to be where the growth is.
my days of telling ppl i'm 21 will be over in less than 2 months, and i still haven't gotten drunk once. i am fearful because my friends now make it their goal to get me drunk sometime before we all graduate. but i do look forward to my 23rd year, supposedly something of great excitement and extraordinary importance would happen (not talking about graduation here). :D :D :D
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