Title: Unconditional Love
Pairing: YunJae/JaeHo
Genre: AU, Romance, fluff and possibly slight angst
Author: DLavenie
Length: Chaptered (13/13) + Epilogue
Summary: Popular Yunho, mute Jaejoong - they come from two completely different worlds. What will happen when they collide? Will there be any chemistry between them? Or will they just act like
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You fooled us the other time and glad you rectified it so that we can sleep easy tonight. A sneaky way to let us wonder who was waiting for Yunho and who is the person he has not seen for the past 4 years and can't forget. But it is good. Especially about the missing person...which keeps me wondering and clueless until the end.
Anyway, congratulations for completing this story...and now I'm proud to hand this to you....drum roll pls....a "Certificate of Completed Fanfic for Unconditional Love". Congrats!
Hope this won't be the end....pls continue and write more.
*wink* Happy ending nee? (= Ehe.. My plan is worked after all v(^O^)
I'll write more in the future. Thanks for your support nee? *hugs*
It's a shame though that Ajoo has passed on. It was an unfortunate incident. I know Yunho blame himself but sometimes, fate has already pre-determine whether we live or die. In this case, maybe he should take it that it is Ajoo's time too leave and go to a better place.
Thanks for this fic and congrats in completing it!!!! *throw confetti and light fire crackers*
Thank you so much! *hugs*
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