Title: Unconditional Love
Pairing: YunJae/JaeHo
Genre: AU, Romance, fluff and possibly slight angst
Author: DLavenie
Length: Chaptered (13/13) + Epilogue
Summary: Popular Yunho, mute Jaejoong - they come from two completely different worlds. What will happen when they collide? Will there be any chemistry between them? Or will they just act like
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I want to score first comment, but I don't even know why :DDDDD Whee~ Anyway, I had fun helping you throughout this! Hope you had fun yourself too! :) Kinda sad it's over, but... hopefully it's not the end of your works! :D
It didn't right? (= That's just to tell you who was the person that Yunho and Heechul talking about.
In the future, You will see me again *wink* Thanks.
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