Destined To Love

May 31, 2008 17:35

Title: Destined To Love

(Sequel Destined To Meet)

Author: DLavenie

Pairing: Jung YunHo & Kim JaeJoong

Genre: Romance

Length: One-shot

Warning: Un-beta m (-_-) m “Gomen”

Note: It can be read as standalone.

Summary: Kim Jaejoong, a journalist was given a task, which originally belongs to his friend, to interview a new street dancer. However, it turned out that the task given to him brought a ‘little’ surprise that he never expected. What was the relation between Jaejoong and the dancer? Destined to Love is going to reveal all the secrets that you want to know.


Jaejoong waited for Yunho to finish his dance. Yes, Yoochun was right there. Yunho did dance like a professional. His moves were so flawless. He didn’t remember Yunho told him about his interest in dancing or he just missed that somewhere in the corner of his little brain. He shook his head. It doesn’t matter anymore.

He still could not believe a person who danced with a song that he recognized was belonged to the famous boy band in Korea was really his Yunho. It was really a fate that brought them together again. No, it was their destiny like what Yunho told him.

He smiled. He really owed Yoochun for this. If not because of Yoochun and Changmin, perhaps, he would not meet Yunho today. However, the smile on his face didn’t stay for too long when his brain was strike by a vital question. Why Yunho give him any call? Why he didn’t meet him as what they had promised? Why?

His thought was disrupted by the sound of people clapping and cheering. He looked at where Yunho stood just now. Yunho had finished his performance. He stood up and waited for the crowd to disperse first. Sure Yunho had got lots of attention from the passers. He saw happiness in Yunho’s eyes as that guy ruffled the hair of a boy who probably at the age of 9 years old.

When Yunho grabbed his bottle of water and poured the contents onto his sweating face, Jaejoong walked towards him, slowly. Jaejoong didn’t know why he felt nervous as the distance between him and Yunho was closer.

Without a word, Jaejoong gave Yunho a clean towel in front of his eyes. Yunho was surprised at first but when his eyes met Jaejoong, he smiled a little and uttered ‘thank you.’ He dried his face using the towel that was given by Jaejoong.

“You look great just now” Jaejoong gave Yunho his sincere compliment.

“It is just a normal dance,” replied Yunho, trying to be casual.

There were so many things that Jaejoong wanted to ask Yunho but when he was already standing here, besides Yunho, at a sudden, he became speechless. He didn’t know what to say.

“Why are you here?” The question asked by Yunho startled Jaejoong a little. He blinked his eyes before he looked at Yunho again.

“W-what did you say?”

Yunho chuckled as he slung his back pack on his shoulder, “What are you doing here?”

“Oh” Jaejoong tried to give a smile, an awkward smile was what he gave. “I-I… do you know Yoochun?”

“Yoochun?” Yunho made a thinking face, trying to recall any people who he met recently, “You mean the journalist one? I still remember there was this guy who came, watched me danced with his boy friend, is that a guy that you’re talking about?”

Jaejoong nodded,” He is my friend and also my colleague”

Yunho nodded, understood. “Then, what it has to do with me?”

“Well… You caught his attention and he wants to interview you”

“Interview? Me? You must be joking” Yunho let out his laugh - a laugh that Jaejoong missed.

“No, I’m not kidding. It’s true. He wants to interview. He was supposed to be here but because of Changmin, he passed it on me instead”


“His boy friend. Changmin had this sort of school assignment which needs him to go to Tokyo for a week. And he wanted Yoochun to accompany him, so yeah that is the story”

Yunho smiled. “You don’t have to interview me Jaejoong”

“What? Why?”

Yunho shrugged his shoulders and continued walking, “I don’t want to be interview”

“But Yunho, it is going to be great. You’re so talented. You -“

“No, I don’t want and that is my final decision,” cut Yunho, didn’t let Jaejoong to say the rest of his words, “Yes, it must be great. I’ve to agree with it. But, I’m not interested with it.”

Jaejoong stood still. He turned his body, watching Yunho walking away from him. When a thought hit him, he ran and caught Yunho’s wrist before the guy walked more further from him.

Yunho looked at him with a pure confusion beneath those pairs of dark brown eyes.

“Why you don’t give me a call? You promised you’ll meet me once you came to Seoul but you didn’t. If not because of Yoochun, I might not know you’re already here. 5 months Yunho, you already here for 5 months and for the hell, why you didn’t have any intention to call me? Do you know that I really want to see you? If not because of what you asked me to promise…” Jaejoong could not continue it anymore. It was just too much.

He heard a deep sigh heaved by Yunho and that action indirectly made him looked up. His teary eyes watched a miserable Yunho. Yunho didn’t know what to reply.

“Why are you so quiet?! Please tell me, Yunho-ah”

“I’m sorry”

“What?” Jaejoong stared at Yunho, dumbstruck. “Sorry? Is that all that you can say? I don’t want that. I want you to tell me why you don’t keep your promise”

A minute it took for Yunho to laugh, a mock laugh - that was the truth. “I don’t keep my promise?” Yunho repeated what Jaejoong just said, “I do keep my promise Jaejoong, I do keep my promise. When I came to Seoul, the first place I went was your apartment. Guess what? You didn’t come home for a month. That was what the guard told me. And when I called your phone, it was off. So, tell me Jaejoong, is that my fault?” This time it was Yunho who heightened his voice. His flush face told Jaejoong, Yunho was on his limit already.


“But I didn’t give up just like that, Jaejoong. I know I supposed to give up but I didn’t. I’m so stupid” Yunho rubbed his face with both of his palms. If Jaejoong didn’t see Yunho so intense, he would not catch crystals of tears flowing down on Yunho’s cheeks which Yunho harshly wiped. “I went to every companies and asked whether you working there, but all were negative. And one day, I found out you wrote a book. Of course I didn’t let the chance go so I bought that book too and read it. I was so happy when you wrote about me, about you, about us. At that time, I really wanted to see you. When there was a rumour that you’re going to have a press conference, I didn’t miss to go there too. You looked so beautiful up there, Jaejoong” Yunho recalled back the first time he saw Jaejoong after five years they were apart. A day that he thought would give him a great a happiness but instead, it turned out to be a day that he really wanted to forget.

“But you crushed my heart, Jaejoong. You killed my heart that day. I don’t want to believe what I heard but when you said it on the radio too; it could not be a lie. I don’t want to believe it was you who said those words. But, it was you who said it. It was you, Jaejoong. You’re the one who broke my heart, Jaejoong”

Jaejoong became dumbfounded. He what? What did he do?

“W-what… What did I say, Yunho?”

Yunho looked at him with a tired look, “You said it is not you. You said the necklace on your neck doesn’t give you any special meaning. You said you are crazy if you fall in love with that kind of guy. Why Jaejoong? Is it a sin for me to love you??”


Jaejoong didn’t know what to do. It was his fault at the first place. He knew he should tell them the truth when he was asked those questions but he didn’t. He just obeyed what they told him to although he knew he should be honest with his heart.

When he was asked by a question that sounded like,” They said JoongHo is actually you, is that true?” He should answer, “Yes, it is me” and not “No, it is not me. I just making up the characters”

When he was asked, “What if, one day, you meet a character YunJae in the future and he had exactly the same life as the one you made in your book. Would you accept him if he says he loves you?”. He gave the answer that they wrote for him, “Of course no, I’m not that insane you know. It is impossible for me to fall in love with him. Although he is kind, it doesn’t guarantee he would not kill me just for the name of honour”. He knew he should say,” Yes, I will accept him. In fact, I’m in love with him”

When they said,” Your necklace is beautiful, who gave you that? Is there a special meaning for it?”, he gave an answer which really contradict to his, “No, I just bought it for fun. Isn’t it beautiful?” where the real answer was,” It is special to me. A person I love gave it to me”

He smacked his head mentally. He should say all those. Why? Why he was so stupid to make such careless mistakes. Now, he had lost Yunho. He lost Yunho where he was actually had the power to prevent it from happened.


He woke up from his misery. He still hasn’t lost Yunho completely. If he able to tell Yunho the truth, if Yunho still believe and love him, perhaps they would have one more chance.

One more time. One more chance please.

Quickly, he grabbed his phone and searched for the number that Yoochun gave him. Got it. As fast as he could, he pressed the numbers and waited for the other side.


“Yunho, it’s me, Jaejoong,” said Jaejoong, a bit trembling. He has to do this. “Please don’t hang up”

“What do you want?”

Jaejoong gulped his saliva, It was bitter. Everything was bitter without Yunho’s love. “Give me only fifteen minutes. I want you to listen to me in these fifteen minutes. Then, it is up to you whether you want to believe it or not. I won’t disturb you anymore, I promise”

There was a mum of silence before Yunho’s voice broke it. “Say it then”

Jaejoong breathed in relief. “Thank you. Before I start, I want to apologize Yunho, it’s my fault and I want you to know, I really love you Yunho. I do love you”

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