[One-shot] Destined To Love

May 31, 2008 17:26

Title: Destined To Love

(Sequel Destined To Meet)

Author: DLavenie

Pairing: Jung YunHo & Kim JaeJoong

Genre: Romance

Length: One-shot

Warning: Un-beta m (-_-) m “Gomen”

Note: It can be read as standalone.

Summary: Kim Jaejoong, a journalist was given a task, which originally belongs to his friend, to interview a new street dancer. However, it turned out that the task given to him brought a ‘little’ surprise that he never expected. What was the relation between Jaejoong and the dancer? Destined to Love is going to reveal all the secrets that you want to know.


“Yah Jaejoong, please help me just for this one time” Yoochun already begging. He really desperate, “If you help me this time, I promise, I’ll help you to take pictures next time. Please!” Yoochun used his puppy eyes to make Jaejoong agreed with his need. If not because of Changmin, he would not ask Jaejoong to take over his work. He knew Jaejoong barely had time to relax since he released his book, Our Story which amazingly sold about 200,000 copies. It is such a huge number.

Jaejoong sighed. He really wanted to have his sweet, precious holiday but just before he ‘officially’ going to have one, his best friend already banged into his room and asking him to do a favour.

“Why?” Jaejoong pouted, “I want my holiday, Yoochun”

“I know, I’m so sorry” Yoochun rubbed his nape. “Please Jaejoong, just this time. I will not ask for it again. It’s only a week Jae, after that you will definitely have your holiday”

A sigh escaped from Jaejoong’s pair of lips, “Just a week?”

Yoochun nodded vigorously.


“I promise”

“Okay, fine. I take your job”

“Thanks a lot Joongie!” Yoochun hugged Jaejoong tightly. He was so grateful having Jaejoong as his best friend. “You’re my very best friend! Love you Joongie!” This time Yoochun tried to kiss his cheeks, which of course, Jaejoong gave a kick at Yoochun’s knees before he able to do so.

“Aish! No need to be like that Yoochun” Jaejoong sent him a death glare but only received a stupid grin from his best friend. “Why Changmin wants you to accompany him? He is already 20! Not a minor anymore” Jaejoong didn’t forget to complain.

“Well if he doesn’t make such a bizarre thing, then he is not Changmin,” replied Yoochun, didn’t remember the guy that they were talking about was his boy friend, the dear of his heart.

Jaejoong crossed his arms in front of his flat chest. A pout still hadn’t disappeared from his face. This side of Jaejoong - not many people were able to see it. Only, people who closed to him knew his character. To others, Kim Jaejoong was a very serious and not so friendly person. However to his friends, he was a soft-hearted person and sensitive too! That was a real Kim Jaejoong.

“By the way, what is the task that you want to give to me?” Jaejoong asked in prior. At least he could prepare what is needed for the work that he just accepted.

“It is a simple task, really. You just have to interview this new street dancer. People said he is good and the way he dances is just like a professional”

“Is it? Then why doesn’t he just going to the audition and officially become a dancer rather than wasting his time on the street,” mocked Jaejoong. Yes, Jaejoong is a kind of sarcastic person. He is kind but sometimes, his mouth talk first before he is able to process the consequence of what he just uttered. That is so Kim Jaejoong.

A smack landed hard behind Jaejoong’s head causing him to wince in pain.

“Ouch! That is so hurt! What is wrong?”

Yoochun shook his head, “You don’t have any right to talk something like that about him Jaejoong, he is not wasting his time” Yoochun emphasised ‘wasting his time’ before continued again, “Not all people wants to be involved in music industry and he is one of that people. He wants to entertain people in his own way which is by dancing on the street.”

“You seem to know him a lot”

Yoochun smiled sweetly, “I met him once and he is not that bad. In fact, Changmin likes him too. You should meet him, you know. He is a nice person”

“Is it?” Jaejoong asked again, curious. “Are you sure he is that nice?”

“Positive. He is not like any ordinary people that we meet, he is just different”

“What is his name then?”

“He goes by a name U-Know. Yunho U-Know”


Jaejoong didn’t know why he felt so hot today. He was sweating, he noticed that. No matter how many bottle of ice juice that he drank, he still felt hot. Gosh! This was all because of the job given by Yoochun. He looked at his watch again. It was already half past nine and he still didn’t see any sign of the new street dancer that Yoochun mentioned.

Will he really be here?

Frustrated, Jaejoong took his cell phone out of his bag and dialled a number that he sure was belong to his best friend. Only two ringing before the other side of the line picked up.

“Yoochun-ah, are you sure he is going to perform today?” Jaejoong threw Yoochun a question instantaneously, not giving any chance for Yoochun to even say ‘hello’

“Jaejoong?” Yoochun asked for confirmation. When he heard a boring grunt, he was sure the person was Jaejoong indeed, “Yes, I’m so sure with that. He told me he always performs at this time. Why? He is still not there?”

Jaejoong nodded. When he realized Yoochun could not see him right now, he answered Yoochun’s question with his disappointed tone. After Yoochun told him the name of the new street dancer, his heart was so eager to meet him. He knew the dancer was a person that he missed all this time.

“Wait a minute, I ask Changmin about it first” Jaejoong heard Yoochun called Changmin’s name before the voice of the younger man came, knocking his eardrums. They didn’t talk much and Jaejoong, he didn’t catch what they were talking about.

“Yes, Changmin said Yunho told him he is going to be there today. Just wait for him a little longer, can you Jaejoong? If he is still not coming after 15 minutes, then maybe he has some problems that forbid him from coming”

Jaejoong sighed. “Okay, thanks Yoochun. Sorry if I disturb you and Changmin”

“Nah, it’s okay. Take care Jaejoong”


Jaejoong looked up again. Trying to find any sign of Yunho, but it was in vain. Yunho was not there, not yet. Yunho, if that person is you, please comes. Jaejoong pleaded in silence as he held his necklace tightly, the one he didn’t even take off in these five years.

Jaejoong grabbed his bag and made a sit on one of the bench in the park. His eyes still wandered. His hope was too high, a hope to meet Yunho.

Then, the time was arrived; the time when his heart stopped for a moment before beating much more thunderous; the time when his eyes widened; the time when he finally caught a figure which exactly looked like a person he met five years ago.


His voice was so soft that he was so sure no one could hear it except himself. However, amazingly, it reached the man who had a red cap on his head. He turned around in puzzled. He heard someone called his name just now. He searched for anyone that he probably knew. But he didn’t catch one. He shook his head and smiled. He is stupid for thinking something like that. When he wanted to turn back again, he caught a figure which wore white jacket with thick spectacle on his face stood not so far from him.

It seemed the world had just stopped from moving.

They didn’t hear anything except for the roaring beating of their hearts.

They didn’t see anyone except each other.


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