Friday Five

Apr 15, 2016 11:20

I've been following this community for a while, but I rarely sign in to LJ on a Friday, so I have yet to actually complete a question set.

So here is my first Friday Five!

1. Do you play games with your animals, aside from the usual?
Um...not really. My kitty is pretty old and really just likes playing with her mice or catnip. I did have a cat once that would play fetch and a fish that would dance!

2. Do you talk to your pets?
Of course! Though it's a little harder now since she's mostly deaf.

3. Do your pets talk to you?
She mostly yells.

4. Is your pet your best friend, a member of the family or both?
She's family. I've had her since she was a tiny kitten.

5. Have you ever had to get rid of an animal for a reason beyond your control?
We attempted a puppy a couple years ago, but we had to re-home her because she needed more attention and my daughter was terrified of her.

My kitty:

friday five

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