Before we begin, I just want to say that I usually watch the last ten or so minutes of WWE, just to make sure the livestream isn't going to crap out on me, but I watch it with the sound muted while I do other things. And last night, I was, like, live-blogging it in my head. I don't even know. Also, my favorite thing about "Sanctuary" live, besides
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I've seen screencaps of him in the hilarious hair and cargo shorts. I meant to start marathoning SGA but got caught up in Farscape instead (and just watched an episode in which there were legit cartoons, so). Soon.
That woman can rock anything. I can't comprehend how she does that. I would look like a fool if I ever tried to pull off half the stuff she wears on this show.
I'm waiting to see where they go with him. What I really love about Sanctuary is how they can do so much with such a small core cast; the episodes tend to focus on three or four of the characters going off and kicking ass and getting into trouble and being awesome (or, in the case of "Animus", pairing off) and they've worked so well like that. So I was a little disappointed when they pulled in someone completely new to have such an apparently huge role. I'm guessing he's going to lead them to Hollow Earth or something, so I'm going to withhold final decisions on whether I like him or not until his story is played out, but as of this moment I'm kind of annoyed. I do like his snarkiness, though.
I'm not sure how I ended up reading about the radiation thing, but I know that I ran into it somewhere. I'm trying to be really good about spoilers (and was hardcore avoiding the internet until I could see this episode), but that one slipped through.
Math is awesome. I love math. Chemistry is damn confusing. I saw the chalkboard and thought of calculus, because I always think of calculus when there's lots of math on a board (you could probably blame Stargate for this because, I swear, every freaking time Sam got busy with a whiteboard there were integrals) and probably because calculus is way less scary to me than chemistry.
And when are we going to find out about the creepy hooded guy from "Trail of Blood"? I had this theory for a while that it was Adam, but then realized that killing off the priest had no place in Adam's plan to find Helen and Hollow Earth. Plus, Adam was in a gas mask which is a whole different level of creepy than a hooded cape. Gas masks freak me out.
Oh man, please marathon it asap. I mean, I don't think you and I fell in love with SG-1 the same amount (as in I think you love it more than I do), but the first three seasons of SGA make my life a better thing, and I love it a lot a lot a lot.
What I really love about Sanctuary is how they can do so much with such a small core cast - Yes, this. And I'm even mostly fine with episodes that aren't Helen or Nikola heavy, which speaks a lot to the strength of the cast. I'm okay with not having another "Hero II" but for the most partit works out well.
I do not do anything that is not part of the humanities, except computer science. That stuff I get. Whenever I see chalkboards, I think of that movie with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck that I don't remember the name of/am too lazy to look up.
I almost forgot about the creepy hooded guy! Or blocked him from my memory because he freaked me out too much. Maybe the Big Guy and Kate will have a separate storyline while everyone else is off exploring Hollow Earth. It will probably be a storyline that will frustrate me because it will take away focus from the Five. Or maybe he's the enemy of the other hooded folks from Kali World (or the Avatar Council, which I am still iffy on) and all the hoodies are fighting each other.
No. Please, no more "Hero II." It managed not to suck, but it was greatly pointless except to note that Helen has connections with the Russian mob. Which I hope comes back later in the season because how fun is that?
Good Will Hunting. I spend most of my work day reading about astronomy and physics and being super proud of myself when I understand at least 50% of the article.
The Avatar Council. What? No, that is a dumb name. Me and my religious studies minor self can kind of make that work, but in the sense that it sticks together only if you don't look at it too hard and realize I pieced the theory together with used duct tape. It sounds ominous because it has "council" in the title, and "avatar" is a really freaking cool word (and maybe AT is going for a record of showing up in three episodes named "Avatar" in three separate series', which is sort of an admirable goal) despite all the James Cameron associations, but there is no explanation they can give to that title that will make me okay with it. None.
edited to fix some massive dangling modifiers
Russian mob had better come back. That was my favorite part of the episode, by far.
Good Will Hunting, yes! All I could think of was Waking Ned Devine and I knew that wasn't it. I am impressed that you spend your work day reading intellectual things.
I'm there with the religious studies thing (one of my majors) and I'm sure the podcasts will share with us some kind of reasoning behind it but yeah. It's a weak name.
(And so much icon love. Helen is queen)
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