Late Reply is Laaaaaaaaaaate

Jul 11, 2010 01:09

First off, I'd like to address those of you who commented on this post of mine way back in May. I know I didn't reply to your comments, but I did read them, and you all had some good advice for me. I still don't know exactly what I'm going to do, but I at least feel better knowing that I'm not the only one in this predicament, and even if I were, I have you guys to help give me guidance. So thank you very much! ♥

In other news, I need some different guidance from you this time (and I've put off asking because I am terrified of having to do something XD;; ). But I'll be brief. I have to go to the dentist, seeing as I haven't been in, oh... 9 years. (I know, I know. >_<) But my dentist since childhood isn't a network provider for my insurance, so if I needed any work done (which I figure is pretty damn likely), it'd be more expensive for me (by 10%). However, from what I hear, the dentist is only even there like one day a week now, and there are some other dentists who work for the same practice. So I can't decide if I'd rather save myself the 10% and find a new dentist that accepts my insurance, or stick with the old, familiar one specifically because it's familiar. What would you do if you were me?

In other other news, my birthday is 2 days away, and I know not what I want or what I want to do. This kind of sucks. :/

Oh, and I have discovered I kind of enjoy reading trashy, awful romance novels. XD I can get the for free from work when they've overstayed their welcome and have been stripped of their covers (otherwise they just go in the trash), so it's not like I'm paying for these things. I don't believe they're worth the $5.99 or whatever the actual cost is. I like them mostly because they're really easy, brainless reads, and are hilarious in their awfulness. :p It sort of feels good to read an actual book again, though (as opposed to manga). In fact, I've read 3 of these books in the past week. I don't want to turn into one of those people who just reads smutty romance novels, though. I need some more diversity, so... manga it is!

Now it's time for me to return to pondering what I want for my birthday...

health, books, life

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