
Aug 03, 2010 22:26

My Name is Lavender Jones, and I am a Drama Queen.

OK, so Lavender Jones isn't my legal name... doesn't really matter.
I don't come in here much any more, to be fair I don't go in many places any more. It's nothing personal, I still think of Kate, Carla, Kris, Mark, Em, Leslie, Sarah, Jenny, Dabs, Aerin, Donna, Rich, CM, Jamie, Lees, Lisa, Tiff, and a CARTLOAD of other people who come into my head often regardless of the day and time.
There are big changes for me in my immediate future, and it feels like things I've been waiting my entire life to have happen. At the same time, I have recently found something out that I have been dreaming of and praying for for a very long time now. When I look at those two things, all the other stupid bullshit is just a "whatever" in the grand scheme of things. Boy and I have been talking about trust issues tonight... Bunny and I talk about that often too. When things boil down, who do you trust to NEVER let you down? It's sad how small the list is. To add to that, how many people would put YOU on THEIR list?



Anyway, the next few weeks will see me especially busy. I'm pretty sure I'm not needed here, so I'll see you when I'm around next. Not sure how much "f-list" stuff I'll get to, but I'll have a little look.
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