Oct 20, 2011 22:39
So, first, exciting news. I am going on a short hiatus because I will be out of town this weekend. One of my best friends moved to Kissimmee earlier this year for a teaching job. Kissimmee is the least exciting town in existence except that is it about an hour away from Orlando (and has my friend of course, that's pretty excite making) which means that if you live there, you get to bring your guests to all the theme parks! *loves ALL THE THEME PARKS* So this weekend I'm visiting my friend and we are more than likely going to go to Islands of Adventure so we can geek out over Harry Potter World together and I can spend all of the money that I don't have.
Which brings me to the bad news. Yesterday, on the way to work, my car decided, "Fuck you, I don't want to run anymore." Luckily, I am of keen mind and didn't cry until after I had managed to pull over. Turns out that my timing belt broke which is apparently a really essential piece that is made of gold or something because it cost $600 to replace. And the worst thing is I know my mechanic isn't ripping us off because he's friends with my grandparents (everyone in my family uses him), that's just how much parts and labor cost for timing belts. I have never felt more like the 99% than when I heard that number. I have no idea what I'd do if I didn't have family members who could spot me the cash until I could pay them back. I'm thinking of seeing if my grandparents will help me cosign a student loan so things are a little easier and it's less, you know, "What's more important, rent or food?" (I know, I know, that's how they get you.)
So even though I can't afford it now, I realize that there's never going to be a time when I can afford it because life sucks, so mini-vacation and Harry Potter World, here I come.
I've decided not to bring my laptop because it takes too much effort to lug around and she has bad (stolen) wifi, so there's really no use. I do have internet on my phone though, so if you need me for anything, you can always email me. <3 I'm coming back Sunday afternoon though, so I doubt there will be anything that important.
I hope everyone has a fantastic, wonderful weekend. I will think of all of you while I drink my butterbeer. ;)
real life,
harry potter