May 27, 2004 22:31
i think i'm putting those boba ppl's kids through college. boba everyday for the past week or so. imma certified bobaholic B-)
i was just thinking... i really don't have any regrets left. =) i don't regret the fact that i chose to go to keppel (or rather was forced to xD) then alhambra. i don't regret choosing eight classes or taking debate and swim and orchestra. because without those classes, i wouldn't be the person i am now. *ponders* that'd be so weird... me with no debate. the horror!
i love debate, you just have to join to know what it's all about. the feeling of just competing (and hey, maybe even beating ;D) with other kids just like, it's exhilerating. =) not to mention it's sharpened so many of my skills and i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. <33
swim is gonna be a four year thing fosho. ;D neener neener, reis, can't make me quit ^_< puahahs >=) it brought me close to so many people, i love you guys! i'd still be lost in high school if it weren't for you nice people. mwahs! you guys will always be my swim family for sure ! =)
everybody's had their share of regrets. i know i've had mine, but without choosing to make those decisions, we would never have had the chance to learn from them. so in reality, don't regret, be thankful that you did it. because now, you can learn from it. =) i know i did. ^_^ but that doesn't mean it was insignificant =)
now for school to end. B-)
so much drama, welps. ><
but hey, as long as i gots me cupaboba next to me, i'm all good. B-)
- super kaydie