May 25, 2004 19:11
oh fuck. ><
whatever. just wonderful. all it got outta me was a set of nicely chosen words ;] >< i knew i wasn't gonna do well on that quiz, but i can't help but go poo bcuz all those good grades had gone down the drain.
WELPS, that just means hardcore studying B-) for FINALS. i WILL do it! and that nice ol' math project we did helped much much ^_^
lock down today. stuck in a room (out of all rooms -___-;;) with riley for what...four hours? pooface. hahas, i had my big ol'lunch my daddie packed for me and i shared it with deb while we were trying, and failing miserably, to figure out what in the world happened on our tests. >< but yea, finished all of my math homework (whee!) then started on drivers ed, but PUH leEze, that stuff is so tedious i was gonna die of boredom xD and each time that phone rang, it was if it was salvation or something, the whole room just got quiet. kinda sorta (^_<) funnie LOLS ;D so instead, we played ali baba xD and mafia! fun fun ;] of course girly talk (with John, happy birthday dude! awww, cat gave you a SMOOCH ;D) and yea, THAT was interesting. ;D they finally let us out (dear god, i needed to pee xD hahas!) and we left for the supermarket near there so my dad could pick us up. that was another interesting walk... eh cat? ;D hahas! *ahhh faints*
actually, riley was tolerable today. more than what i've seen from him and what i've heard from other kids and their teachers. i HAD my CD player, but the stupid batteries were out so i took cat's cell/radio thingie and started drivers ed and music ;D after that, just whipped out my cellie and started phoning ppls ^_< i guess sum weren't as lucky as us hahas! we got to talk pretty loudly and got pretty "rowdy" LOLS HAHAS so different from what riley's usually like, i was like, whoasss xD
thanks howard (gosh buddie, ur always there for me!) for keeping lazy ol' me company while i was trying to finish my essay for english at 12 AM O=]
hahas! i was a banana yesterday and today imma pear. O=] tomorrow i'll be a watermelon, just y'all see ;]
wowsers. O.O
EDIT: it's 11 and i JUST started my bio hw that i have TONS to do. how many languages can you say royally screwed in? >< and just to top it off, i had all of that congress research done and saved up on a disk, ready to print out when BAM, that stupid disk doesn't OPEN the files. i was like aobnoandfpona;onb;oen ROAR. had to do it again, but hey it might not be as good. sorrie you nat qualifiers =X