Oct 15, 2005 22:41
sooooo, like many a time before, i had sortof decided that i was abandoning the whole lj thing, but never got around to making that final step to delete my account. and then between august 3rd and now all this shit went down in my life, and i evaporated from the lj scene once again. tonight i decided to read what was going on in my friends lives, and so, only because this thing keeps me up to date with all you people who post regularly, ima keep lj for now. so, now that i know that sarah has a dumb teacher and an awesome radio show, jamie is timesharing it up and having affairs with adrian, chelsea is moving around as much as i am, kari is surviving finals at school, bahareh got internet at davis, chrissy hates mr. carter (lol, me too sista!), nikki is of course doing mahvelously at viscom, and john will soon be designing adobe products rather than using them, i'll fill you all in on the past two and a half months, as briefly as possible:
aug. 3rd: came home from 3 hellish weeks at camp as program director, mom told me that i couldn't go back to saic and chicago because she wouldn't sign on my student loans. i called nikki and mary and told them that i wasn't coming back, called kim and got her to take my place in the apartment there with them.
aug. 18th: started classes at Vista Community College in Berkeley, after taking horrible math placement tests and freaking out about how i was going to get the 60 transferable credits i need to go to a uc or a csu, in two semesters, after finding out that uc will only accept around 12 of the 30 no-grade credits i earned at saic last year.
sept. 1-5th: visited nikki, mary and kim in chicago. packed up all my stuff that i had left there over the summer, visited my old job that i had been planning to return to. nikki and i had a nice time together, but mary was wrapped up in her boyfriend, and kim was basically rude to me the whole time, constantly referring to the fact that i didn't live there, she did, which i wasn't expecting and really upset me. highs point were having ice cream with leda and colette, some other friends of mine from school there, and taking nikki to the doctors(lol), other than that, i felt pretty shitty because it all just felt so fucked up, like something that's just not supposed to be happening.
sept.10th: moved into a 115 year old victorian house in yuppie north berkeley with william and erik.
sept. 23rd: erik told me that these three 30-something-yrold homeless hippie friends of his from eureka were coming down for the greatful dead show in S.F. that weekend and that they were going to stay with us for a night or two. they ended up staying for a week, and used our kitchen to make a thousand dollars worth of pot chocolates that they sell to support themselves and the van they live out of. erik and i got into a huge fight, william and i made plans to break our lease and move because erik does wayyy too many drugs.
oct. 2nd: moved back home. mom told me that she wants me to live at home for the rest of the semester because moving is too disruptive for my studies (i'm taking 20 credits this sems.)
oct. 13th: william and i found the perfect apartment, which is, of course available now. so now i have to try and talk my mom into letting me move again, if everything were to work out.
today: dave and i had a pseudo fight(one where he bitches about me to mom within my earshot, but refuses to actually say anything to my face), so that pissed me off. i just can't seem to settle anywhere comfortably. probably because i feel like i shouldn't be here right now, and i don't know where i want to be, considering my friends, my education, my vague career goals, my life path, blah blah blah.
sooo, i guess you could say, i've gone from being super angsty and just plain angry and frustrated to stressed out into submission and numbness. i've never been one to stay angry for long periods of time, but i still just feel lost and like i'm constantly grasping for things that are just out of reach.
so most of you know that i just use this thing to vent, etc., so i give no guarantees of becoming a regular post-er or anything liek that, but i'll try and keep up with your posts, just so i know what's going on with each of you.