Mar 21, 2005 18:42
well, what to say. spring refuses to come out from under its rock here in chicago, and midterms are almost over. spring break is this thursday and friday for me, my school is SO generous with time off from school, ugh. i was going to stay here originally, but at the last minute some family stuff came up and now i'm flying home for the weekend. it'll be really good to see my mom, and i'll be home for easter sunday, so that'll be nice. besides family stuff, i think i'll just be working on the several projects that i have to finish over break, and trying to sort out summer classes at dvc and prospects for a summer job. i've decided that i really DO want to stay at SAIC for all four years, but i want to take classes during the summer to get the humanities and natural science credits i need for my BFA out of the way when they're only $26 a unit instead of $850, like they are here at the School. so we'll see. i know mom's not going to be happy to hear that, and it's going to be a tough conversation in all likelihood, but i am an adult now (almost 19! yipes!), and i think that now that i've sorted out all of first semester's craziness, this is actually a really influential and growth-inducing place for me to go to school, even if it does cost a million dollars to go here, heh. so anyway, we might now have that talk until i come home for the summer in may, so for now i'm just not worrying about it...too much. let's see, otherwise, i had a big critique all day today in my photo class, i think it went pretty well, so that was good. i'm really enjoying black and white photography. it's awesome. this past weekend was really fun because nikki's friend john came from boston to visit her and spent the weekend with her and mary and i. we went to the museum of science and industry, but it was rather lame, lol. we also went to margie's, which is the best ice cream parlor ever, and if anyone ever comes to visit me here, we will have to go ;) (the beatles ate there in the 60's!) anywho besides that, the semester is going to go really fast, i can just feel it, and befoer you know it my first year of college will already be over. i can't believe it. man. nikki and mary and i ARE going to find an apartment to live in off campus next year (we keep telling ourselves this but it's going to be no small feat), so who knows what the future will bring. in the meantime, i would kill for some sunshine and weather that's 50 degrees or above. i suppose that's all for now. hope everyone else has a good spring break and let's loose, enjoy the california weather for me :P