I'm kind of older than I was when I reveled without a care, so there.

Aug 23, 2017 14:12

Woah, well, hello there LJ. Long time no see.
Are any of you still out there?

So much in my life has changed over the last... seven years. Holy shit, SEVEN years.

My best friend died, I broke off a three year relationship, I moved across the country.
Well, to be fair, all of that happened within twelve months, four years ago.

I just spent a good chunk of this morning reading through some of my old LJ posts and marveling at how much of a little baby I used to be.  Some of them made me laugh, some of them made me cringe, some of them made me cry.

If any of you see this, I miss all of you.  I love where I am in my life (even though some of the experiences that put me here were less than great), but we were all so close, even though we were quite literally very far.
I hope you're all doing well, and you're safe, and you're happy.
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