So I meet this awesome girl last night. We met at a bar and hit it off.
It was a dream...
Now, a must say that this had two effects on me being such a vivid dream. The first being the realization of waking up next to nobody kinda sucked after such a dream. Thanks Mr. Sandman. But whatever, that's not something that really bothers me too long. After all, who doesn't miss companionship when it's not there? It's not like I'm really really alone...right?
Anyway, the second effect was my brainy side kicking in and analyzing the situation. How is it possible to meet someone new in a dream? I mean, maybe it's just your 'imagination' and you can cast the idea away with that explanation, but most of my dreams involve people I know and recognize. Did I actually meet this person before? Is it possible for me to have facial recognition patterns in my brain that I can't recall while awake? (I told you it was my brainy side, haha. Oh, Systems of the Brain class) Maybe a combination of faces...who knows. Maybe I suffer from a dream version of
Prosopagnosia. I'll ask my occipital lobe later...or maybe the temporal. Not sure, they seem to be fighting lately.
I'll have to look this up on
Dream Moods in case there are any answers there.
Yeah, that's my in-depth thought of the day. Feel free to comment.