May 18, 2007 02:13
I finally call it a night,after putting the final revision on my Sentinel Thursday story, trying to figure out how to link(unsuccessfully),and doing hours of paperwork for my job because I'm behind on it.
I've been wanting to post, read stories and comment(and I peeked at a few 'cause I have little will power, but really, only skimmed them) but I've had no time. I've let the house work go, ( but I did make an emergency pan of brownies,'cause I knew I would need the chocolate to cope).
So, I go to the bathroom before heading to bed and out jumped a - mouse -
Scared the shit out of me. I screamed in an unbecoming girly manner as it ran frantically around the bathroom and I jumped here and there hoping to not step on it. Because I've done that before and it's really, really not a nice sensation at all.
So I shut the door, but our door has a gap at the bottem,so if it wanted to the mouse could come out. I go and find a trap, get it set and a container to catch it, maybe, if it's still running around.
BECAUSE: I still have to pee.
Which means I have to go back in there(or sneak out to the woods around our house).
I opt to brave the mouse, don't see him which means he's loose in the house. Oh, Joy, because he's no doubt got friends in here. Tomorrow, I forsee many traps being set in lots of places in mucho rooms.
Well, the upshot is I'm wide awake now! I've just been shot up with Adenaline and it's 2:30 in the morning.
Hence this post.
So, stories to read or more paperwork?
I guess paperwork because that will make me sleepy again.
Good night