Jan 23, 2005 21:17
yeah, so everyone is posting about MORP and there weekend. let's just say i'd rather not go into detail except for about one thing. you know how everyone always talks about how you live and learn? i think i had one of those little wake up calls yesterday. although my night didn't turn out to hot i realized that things deffinitely never turn out like you always want them to, but that if you just stick with positive then at the end of the day, your bound to get positive back in some kind of way, shape, or form. like although my night was basically the exact oposite of great i still feel like in some way the ending came out pretty good. and i fell asleep with a grin on my face, to me theres no better feeling than that. thats my post..pretty random, and dull...but it's just a teeny weeny one i decided to put up :) goodnight loves