Feb 25, 2008 19:41
at least in my experience, i've realized that music and dating are very much the same difference to me. i love music. i love boys. ok, that was obvious. however, think about it. how many genres do you like? how many bands? what are your all time favorite songs? narrow that down further, what are you top 5 favorite songs? your favorite songs probably bring on a more spiritual feeling than musical. with all of my favorite songs, i remember listening to them the first time and falling in love. i'd play them over and over again, and to this day, i still do. love never dies.
so what about the songs that can qualify as your favorites, but are outside your top 5? maybe you fell in love with them on first listen, but as your grow, the meaning of the songs becomes more irrelevant to your life. or, maybe, they have all the elements of what could be the best song ever...but for some reason it just isn't. the fairy dust or "x factor" just isn't there. but it's still a good song, you'll just love it as a person, never be in love with it.
but finally, what about those songs that just go under the radar for years. you keep hearing it on the radio and promptly change the station. you never seek it out or listen to it by will. then, one day, the song presents itself and you realize it's the story of your current life. it's like you and the song have grown together over the past couple of years. there's a new appreciation for the song, a gratefulness that you've re-discovered it, and then sometimes...you even fall in love with it.
for two years now, i've dated lots of second tier favorite songs. once, i realized that one song that was under the radar was actually the best song ever...but i no longer have access to listening to it. i'm back in the dating pool now. i like the music so far, but i have yet to be convinced that i'm in the process of gaining a new favorite song. while second tier favorites aren't the end of the world, i miss having a song you can't get enough of. it is a rare phenonemon, unless you don't have standards. i was just thinking about this comparison today, and how i'm historically bad at under the radar people. i don't want to make any more mistakes and i want a new favorite. easier said than done.