why now? eh, why not now?

Jul 12, 2005 17:09

hello fellow compulsive livejournal-friends-list-checkers,

i figured it was time i finally give something back to all of you tireless bloggers that keep me occupied in the mornings when i should be getting ready. true, it's been over a year since i've posted anything and i'm not sure why i want to now. i didn't stop writing for any particular reason and i'm not starting again for any other reason. so, hiya--just 'cuz.

when i was a kid i frequently started up new diaries every few months, each time promising myself i'd write in it every day so that when i was "older" (i.e., now?) i'd have something to look back at to help me remember what it was like to be young. inevitably i'd forget to write in it, be too busy, have a far too boring day to write about, or exhaust myself with manic emotional outbursts of writing and angsty poetry (circa middle and high school) and not write again for weeks or whatever. it always seemed to be way too much of a chore to try and sum up the occurrences of life, my thoughts and varying emotional states that had happened during the interim period between entries. so diaries/journals/blogs have never had the effect that i would like, which is to help me tie up my little lauren-experiences into compartmentalized packages that somehow quantify my experiences and reassure me of the sometimes-dubious nature of my own existence.

on that note, also, i hate the way my voice sounds when i write freely, at least sometimes, because i'm pretty sure i come across as an arrogant ass. oh well--i miss writing, a lot, and i miss being in contact with some of those people on livejournal whose lives i read about fairly regularly. so here's my "official", highly masturbatory and self-indulgent return to blogging. i think.

i don't really know if anyone cares or needs to know an update on my life for the past year, but i feel that this entry would be uncomfortable incomplete without a little summary, and will look weird in my journal right above something i wrote over a year ago. sooooo.

last summer: worked at a kennel walking dogs and cleaning poo, "met" brandt online while he was working in switzerland, went back to old lame job at the discovery channel store, picked up another job at fuzziwig's candy factory. did nothing else while living at my mom's house but work and stay up way too late emailing aforementioned internet-man brandt. met brandt in august in dramatically cinematic, love-at-first-sight grandiosity and have had a permanent dork-grin attached to my face ever since. lost virginity, gained awesome sex (!!). moved into a house in boulder with 3 other girls. went to providence in october to visit Mo-mo, came back with super fucked up & tired body, went to emergency room, withdrew from my fall semester classes then spent the rest of the semester watching bad daytime tv and laying around with mono. emotional freak-out at the depressing state of the world when the American electorate actually approved Bush in November. a constant ebb and flow of awful roommate drama which has rendered me (and they) bitter but resigned (and hopefully without lasting grudges.) somehow managed to fracture both of my feet in a kickboxing class in january (who knows?) amazing trip to switzerland and paris with brandt for spring break in march. switched from news reporting major to media studies major, though i'm pretty sure i want to go to grad school in something completely different--hopefully sexual health/human sexuality. school+school+school (+school--full load of summer classes ongoing.) moving out of my house into a sweet little apartment even closer to downtown boulder with jen, one of my oldest friends, in about a month...coming up on a real live anniversary with brandt (wtf? i can't believe i have anniversaries now?!) and i think that's it as far as the me-centric update of the last year goes.

i suppose this has gotten long enough that i should stop, but please post and say hello, especially if i haven't talked to you in a long time! more from me later.

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