Jan 06, 2005 06:54
I cant sleep.. I think its becasue i am sick and I am hungrey... I am looking forward to this weekend hopefully I wont be to sick to go out... I get to see Ben!!! NIKKI, I have a date with Tiffany and I am going to see my favorite person PHIL BROWN I <3 that guy! I miss Adam is not the same with out him here, I had a good time with him this break! So 2004 is gone and 2005 is here, I hope this year gets better it has started off pretty rough! But I must say the end of 2004 was the greatest expereice since I have been back from boreding school, whihc has been about 5 months now wow it seems so muuch longer. I miss boreding school as horrible as it was a part of me really wants to go back and be with my friends that are still stuck there for the next 2 years. But then I would be missing all the great people here.... I am so greatful lately these past few weeks. Especially the people I love. ASHLEY I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! Only 5 more months of being a junior left. I feel like I have gone through high school so fast, it kinda sucks becasue I have never actually experienced what actual public high school was like and I dont think I will next year either. But there are definite pluses to that and then there are a lot of negitives. I really hate being sick I sound like a man... grrr I dont know I am glad another year is over but at the same time I dont like how fast everything is going. I dont even know why i write in this stupid thinkg its not like anyone reads it. I guess it helps me get things out. I cant figure out if I am hot right now or cold it is really quite agravating. I just really figured out that I am petrifed of the dark and it sucks becasue unlike most people I am always awake during the night and it really scares me, I am 16 and afraid of the dark god damn how pathetic. I dont know maybe I should try and get some sleep.