interview with the proprietor

Jun 01, 2005 20:11

Interviewer: Today we welcome back laurenhat to the world of LiveJournal. Ms. Hat, we would like to ask you a few questions, if we may.

LH: Shoot.

I: Is it true that you are actually neural_girl masquerading under a new identity?

Crowd: *gasps*

LH: Well, I wouldn't exactly say masquerading...

I: But are you?

LH: Well, yeah.

I: I see. Why the change? Was there something... scandalous... about your past?

LH: Um, not really. I left for a while, in part because many of my friends weren't on LJ at the time, and they couldn't read my friends-locked posts. When I came back, I found my old journal didn't suit my goals anymore. I plan to keep this one public, only follow a relatively small friends list, and write about a somewhat different set of stuff. It just seemed easier to start anew, I guess.

I: How mundane. Are you sure there isn't really a scandal that you're hiding from?

LH: Well, there was the thing with the albino cauliflower plant... but other than that, not really.

I: Wait, how can you tell an albino cauliflower from normal cauliflower?

LH: The red eyes. Really, don't ask. And don't tell the FDA I'm here, all right?

I: Okay, so, what can we expect from your return to LJ?

LH: My main goal in returning is to remember to write more about what I've been up to, and keep up more with my friends. Again, mostly pretty mundane stuff. I will be talking a lot about my writing projects, in all likelihood, but I'll keep the details either on a separate page or behind the cut tag.

I: Isn't it totally uncool to use LJ? Couldn't you achieve the same goals by feeding a snazzier more geek-chic blog to an LJ account and using an RSS aggregator to follow your friends' posts?

LH: Um, what kind of interviewer are you anyway, a lowbrow gossip-monger, or a highbrow tech-snob? I'm confused.

I: *also looks confused*

LH:So, anyway, I decided to descend to the level of the masses and try out the plebian life again.

Crowd: *is resentful*

LH: Joking! *fends off crowd with something pointy* Seriously, I could do it some other way, but this easily and quickly gives me the features I want, and allows me to be on people's friends lists and participate more easily in the community. If the only reason not to do it is because it's not cool in the eyes of *cough* some of my friends, well, I guess I shouldn't spend too much time pondering it. I figure neither stance in the LJ vs. WordPress debate is all that likely to get me laid, really, and beyond that I'm not going to worry too much.

I: Yes, well, this is getting really boring. Goodbye.

LH: Hey, but this is my journal! Wha--

lj, online journals, writing sketch, funny

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