I posted a bunch of photos from my
trip to Australia. (Stories from the trip will be following shortly!)
Some friends who are good photographers have told me that at least 50% of the secret to taking great photos is to take a zillion photos so that you get some good ones in the mix. I figured that since I lack the other 50% of taking great photos - talent and experience (and was basically only taking photos at all because my dad made sad faces at me until I agreed); and since I had borrowed
contessagrrl’s camera and couldn’t figure out how to make it display any of the photos I had already taken; and since, in some situations, I was blindly sticking the camera up high or down low or out the window of a moving train (sorry,
contessagrrl) without being able to see through the viewfinder; and since, in many situations, I was distracted while taking photos because I was telling B. that I was not going to drop the camera down into the ocean/rainforest/canyon/aquarium tank/bowl of soup and that I didn’t know why he thought that I in particular should get a wrist strap for the camera (sorry,
contessagrrl); I should take at least 80 zillion photos.
So, I guess what I’m saying is, when you think to yourself, “Another photo of kangaroos or birds or waterfalls?” be glad that I’ve already weeded out a great many of them; I’m sorry that I got bored and didn’t weed out even more. And when you’re thinking, “Wow, I’d expect that the best 250 out of 80 zillion photos taken by monkeys with cameras would be better than this,” don’t tell me. You’ll just stop me from taking future photos and make my dad start making sad faces at me again.
Also, some of you can thank me for not having yet added the spider photos. Sorry about the other bugs. Or, you know, discarded bug skins -- are those better than bugs?
P.S. You will note from the fact that I was able to post these photos that the memory card -- and the camera itself -- totally survived the trip. It was not dropped into anything, despite the fears of others. Proving I'm completely trustworthy with physical objects and not a klutz. ;)