I'm having trouble writing my submission for the
dracotops_harry fest, and it's really irritating me. It feels like every word I write is being dragged out of me, instead of flowing nicely and the word count racking up without me even noticing, which is how writing usually happens for me, and I'm so frustrated. I think it's because of the nature of the fest, and the creative restrictions the topping/bottoming preferences are placing on me. And I don't mean that to sound as though I'm blaming people for having preferences of this kind; people like what they like and they should feel free to celebrate what they like and this fest is an awesome way to do that. And I mean, I happily signed up for Smoochfest despite the creative restrictions that fest places upon the writers with their HEA rule. It's just a personal thing for me because I always write HEAs (and read them) because that's what fanfic is for me - a place where everyone is in love and nothing hurts - so that particular restriction is less of a restriction and more of a "well, duh" nod of agreement. But I don't feel the same way about top/bottom dynamics - I literally do not care about it, and when I write, I wait and see where the story takes me, but with this particular story, I feel like I'm spending so much time thinking about the dynamics of the sex (which is just not an important part of a story for me) that trying to write the actual fic is like trying to get blood from a stone.
Basically I am just stuck, and I'm frustrated, so I'm complaining. Just ignore me.
In other news, I got the
hd_smoochfest prompt I wanted! I'm so excited, it plays right into my favourite kind of stories, I cannot wait to get started! (Although it may have to wait a while, I still have 3 other fests to finish writing for first goddammit!)
Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend, and that Monday isn't too much of a downer for anybody <3