Feb 17, 2006 08:12
.. well, we probably have mice, but I've now seen one teensy little gray mouse, and it's the most adorable thing I've seen in a while. I absolutely love rodents, and have been suspecting for quite some time now that we have some in the house, because the cats have a habit of parking themselves in front of the water heater and staring at it for hours. Last night, as I packed up the books in the second bedroom, a little gray mouse was standing stiff as a board on the bottom shelf, doing his damndest to look like a book. I watched it for a few minutes, and then called the cat over to run it off.
I'd like to set some traps so I can get these critters and release them somewhere in the fields near work, but they aren't near any of our foodstuffs, I can't get behind the water heater where they are apparently living, and if I put a trap on the floor, the kitten will just bat it around the house.
So the mice will stay, because we're only going to be here another two weeks.
I have a phone interview today for a position much closer to home than my current one, which is promising. I don't know how much their base salary is, so that's going to make a big difference in how I feel about taking this job, if offered. Here's hoping!