Jan 26, 2006 12:51
1. Slim-fast and the nutritional database are lying. There's no way one of the blueberry muffins from the work cafeteria is only 160 calories.
2. Despite the fact that the muffin is at least twice as many calories as previously mentioned, I finally caved in and decided to have one, since I'm still a bit hungry and lunch didn't quite "do it" for me today.
3. When I finally caved and went over to the leftover muffins, there were none left, because leaving food out around engineers is like putting pizzas in front of a group of teenaged boys: it doesn't last for more than 10 minutes, and that's being generous.
So I figured it was fate that I'd give in after all the muffins were gone, which means someone named Kismet stole my blueberry muffin.
F'n kismet!