Utter Failure at Making Up a Meme

Jul 06, 2010 19:25

I want to make up my own meme, but I can't.

See, I zip by the cool 30 Days o' TV meme, or the variants thereof, and I think "What ho!" (like in my head I'm a cross-gender-cast Bertie Wooster or somethin', jeez), and then I think "I am too mentally exhausted to play in the meme-sandbox, I can't even listlessly throw sand names of TV shows around with my little red shovel."

So I don't. Do the meme, I mean.

And then I think, "What ho!" (see Wooster, Bertie, tragic not-being) and, further, "Why don't I make up my own?"

And the reason is that I can't think. A meme must have a [Caution: Rhyme Ahead] theme. I am theme-less. Themes flit through my grasping fingers and sail to other, worthier, non-Wooster-obsessed people.

Theme-less, meme-less, la.

(But if I were going to do the TV meme, I would say that I loved a lot of 80s opening credits because they were all id-vortexy, and I would link you to the opening for "Midnight Caller," a TV show all about manpain in late-80s San Francisco but with Gary Cole doing a deep-voiced thing which still pleases. Luckily I'm, as you see, meme-less.)

May YOU all have themes to take you through the rest of the week, though! :-)
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