...Let me link to one or two things of joy, insouciance, or uplift, and they'll do my work for me. (I am busy sneezing, aching, and watching my back gate, which the neighbor's Rottweiler almost broke through this afternoon -- to which we say, "Alack." Also, the Dog of the House is snubbing me, who knows why.)
This delicious gentleman at a Paris cafe, as shot by the Sartorialist.
Alex Ross blog entry wherein he links-and-explains a short video of jazz and modern dance.
Johnny Marr interviews the Pet Shop Boys: notable moments include their reminiscence about Marr and Bernard Summer of New Order, whom Tennant and Lowe worked with as Electronic, and about the difference between pop stars and rock stars: On the second night, in the Winnebago, backstage, Bernard was lying on the bed with a sign on his chest: "Don't wake me up until it's time to go on stage." Also,
a journalist interviews the Pet Shop Boys.
*In the NY Times,
a story about dancer Ethan Stiefel's side-job as Dean of the School of Dance at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, which includes one of his rules for dancers/rules for living: "“We will work toward becoming great dancers, while understanding that being a good person is the true goal.”
May you all find your true goals, and may you find your perfect place today!