Mar 10, 2009 18:37
I am dizzy and sinus-sore with allergies (the pollen doth rain down upon the land. Also, smoke from wildfires! Also, drought-dust!). I am slightly weary and weepy for no reason. I am slightly muscle-sore for very good reason, to wit, a hella-tough fitness class yesterday in which our lovely instructor tortured made us do many, many lunges, some with weights.
I need some restorative practices.
One, of course, will be a slow, quiet yoga session, in which I gently, gently twist and stretch away the aches.
Two will be a moment or two of silence in a room as it darkens through twilight.
Three will be listening to one song, To Be Determined Later. The song will need to be melancholy in a good way, or baroque and ordered in a better.
Four will be thinking about words, melancholy in a good way, baroque and ordered in a better. Say, for instance, these from Christopher Fry's The Lady's Not for Burning:
Rest in the riddle, rest; why not? This evening
Is a ridiculous wisp of down
Blowing in the air as disconsolately as dust.
May you find your own restorative practices, whatever you need, in the next day or two.