Dec 18, 2010 00:09
June was the last time I wrote in my livejournal!!!??? This is getting sad... But here I am, doing journal entry #6 for the year 2010... I guess I'm not ready for it to die, but it's limping pretty bad.
I HAVE A JOB!!! That's the biggest difference between my previous entry and now. I was hired as a teaching assistant for Albany Cnty Headstart. I work 30 hours a week for a very low amount of money, but it's a job and it's good experience. Plus I get health insurance and my commute is less than 10 minutes so I can't complain how well that worked out for me. During the day I am a "floater" which means I go from classroom to classroom and relieve other teachers for lunch breaks. So I know just about every child in the school. Whenever they see me in the hallway they all want to say hi... "Hi Ms. Laura!" or "Wawa" or whatever version of my name they say. After the regular school day I teach what is called "Extended Day." It's a tough part of the day because the kids are tired and they've been following the rules all day long... But it's given me wonderful experience being a teacher. I have to develop lesson plans and structure the day to keep the rugrats occupied. It's taken me awhile to get it right but as long as I keep trying then I am learning along with my kids.
Headstart is a federally funded program started in the mid-1960's to help to eliminate the gap between the have's and the have not's. Not everyone can afford quality child care and preschool to help prepare their children for Kindergarten. So Headstart was created to help underpriveleged families have access to daycare and preschool. So living in downtown Albany you can imagine the clientele we deal with. The majority of the children come in from homes without structure and effective discipline techniques. So there were a lot of behavior problems and continue to be. I had to adjust to how tough I had to be with my friends with challenging behaviors. I couldn't believe how the teachers treated the kids when I first started, but now I see why it has to be done. I still don't like it and I still feel like I am not good at it. What gives me hope is when I see my little friends learning- when they use their words and say please and thank you and when they use their listening ears. It happens, it's only taken four months to see results... haha.
I know I've gained a lot of self-confidence over these four months and fallen in love with these kids. They frustrate me to no end, but I go back every day for more abuse.
My family is doing well. Everyone's staying healthy- even Gramp! Connor talks up a storm and is proud to go peepee in the potty! His family is equally proud!!! I have always loved spending time with him, but I definitely love talking with him. He doesn't miss a thing and asks a lot of questions. The other day he reminded me of my Papa when his Daddy and his Papa were working in the basement he told me he wanted to see if they wanted something to drink! He's three years old and here he is thinking about the needs of others. My nephew is perfect.
I signed up for an online dating service. I've always said it was going to be a last straw and I finally broke down and signed up. I just don't understand how people meet people to start a relationship. I have cousins with four children and younger cousins who have been married twice. I'm sure my extended family wonders what is wrong with me, I know I do! Anyway, I sit at my computer and answer questions and send messages... it's quite time consuming. I've only met two people so far. One was boring and the other was nice and enjoyable so we went out twice and then he disappeared. So I'm not sure what the deal is with him. I've been talking to a few more who seem promising so hopefully I will get to meet them soon. I feel like I get a better sense after I meet them in person. I'm not the best conversationalist, but a relationship doesn't happen via the computer. So I find myself anxious to meet these guys so I can begin to understand who they are.
I only took one class this past semester because that was all I could fit in my schedule once I found out about my job. Now unfortunately my job is getting in the way of completing my degree. There are a number of classes I have to take that require field work (essentially being placed as a student teacher). I can't exactly ask for time off as a new employee and the school won't let me use my place of employment for credit because I haven't worked there long enough. So I am stuck. I guess I am just going to take whatever classes I can fit in now and wait until I've worked there long enough to use it as credit for field work. Until then I do have enough credits to apply for my NYS Teaching Assistant Certification.
Sometimes I miss doing theatre. I miss the flexible hours, but life is so different when you have a regular schedule. I get up everyday and eat meals at normal times and come home and go to bed at night. I've been sleeping better and feel like I've had less headaches. I do miss being able to go off by myself with my music and work on a project but I love being greeted everyday and having people to talk to. I went from not talking to anyone at work to talking all day long- my throat is still adjusting! When I come home from work I often just sit on my couch and enjoy the silence for some time.
Anyway, I am happy. I worry about money and I wish for love, but life is good. I wish everyone a joyous holiday season filled with love and laughter. keep smiling!
~Ms. Laura