25 Days Of Christmas: Day 20, Christmas Is All Around

Dec 20, 2010 22:40

"Love Actually" has been one of my favorite movies since I first saw it seven years ago. It's so clever and funny and has an AMAZING cast.

One of my favorite storylines is Billy Mack's. I like the "washed-up rockstar" aspect, especially how he is so irreverent. I like the sort of transformation he goes through during the course of the film.

I also love that the song he sings, "Christmas Is All Around," is a parody of the song "Love Is All Around," from which the name of the film comes. :) See, told ya it's clever!

Anyway, here's Billy Mack (also known as Bill Nighy). Hope you enjoy it. :)

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(I totally forgot to post a video on the 20th, so even though I'm posting this on the 21st, I'm cheating and saying it's from the 20th!)

25 days of christmas, youtube, love actually, public post, 2010

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