25 Days Of Christmas: Day 19, Away In A Manger

Dec 19, 2010 22:45

Tonight was the childrens' Christmas program at my grandparent's church. I used to go to that church when I was young; it's also the church my mom went to growing up, where my parents were married and where I was baptized. I haven't been there in a few years, so it was really nice to see everyone again. Though, honestly, most people didn't recognize me until they saw my parents. Everyone kept telling me I've "grown up so much." I know I have, but I have seen most of them in the past few years...I didn't think I'd changed that much since I graduated high school!

Anyway, two of my cousins were in the program, and I got a really cute video of them singing one of my favorite Christmas songs, "Away In A Manger." I missed the first few seconds AND I had to hold the camera off to my right to avoid the shoulders of the man sitting in front of me, so it's a little shaky. But I hope you enjoy the video anyway. :)

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25 days of christmas, youtube, public post, 2010

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