Well, Christmas this year will be kinda blah for me. I won't spend it with the 2 loves of my life...
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v253/lirexach/mariola.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v253/lirexach/pablinski.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v253/lirexach/lolaypablo.jpg[/IMG] (no criticizing, none of these pics were actually the "last ones", my professor still has those cause he was going to use them for a gallery and I moved to Miami and never went to see them in the gallery or get them back)
It was hell for me not being able to be in either of their birthday parties. When I came back from PR after Thanksgiving break, I remember calling my mom to let her know I was ok, and talking to my niece, and all the told me in a mad tone "why did you go back to Miami already" I just began crying and had to hang up.
Anyways, this is not meant to be a sad post so yeah. I'm pretty excited for New Year's. Mike, Ed, Liz and I will be going to Key West. I've never been there and well, just having someone to spend it with will be amazing. I'll spend Dec 24th most likely by myself here in Miami. DEc 25 my parents should get here, which will be nice. I might take them on a guilt trip for now letting me go to Washington with them (tickets were $200 leaving tonight or tomorrow) and make them buy me a new 35 mm SLR automatic focus camera. As much as I love my Nikon, the manual focus isn't really that appropiate. I really want to get back into taking pictures. I've just not been at all motivated to do so with anything here in Miami.
Schoolwise, I'm going back, I'm so excited. I remember hearing people talking about some states actually paying for your tuition if you sign a contract that you will work as a teacher for their school system. I need to look more into that. Because my options are, going to PR and study/work there, do that in Florida, or take this opportunity and go somewhere else (aaaaaaah Colorado, the mountains).
So anyways, I'm working out again, which is awesome, I feel good. I've gained some weight since I began, and my pants are tighter :-/ but that always happens when I first start working out.
So yeah, Merry Christmas people. I think I'm going to get dressed in my Halloween costume again, since I never really got to show it off, and its actually a christmas costume. oh well, we'll see. For now, here is the reason I don't wear much make up when I go out.