May 15, 2008 14:26
Have you ever heard the expression, "when it rains, it pours"? Well, if not, my situation at the moment would be a good example of that. What possessed me to try and plan a wedding in 3 months I have no idea...but apparently I'm crazy.
Sooo, I've got a decent amount of things crossed off my list....I ordered the cake (and it's going to be delicious), I've got almost all the favors (i've just got to put pictures in the frames), I've got the photographer (even though i havent seen any of his pictures yet) and the bartender, and I've got a good list of songs going for the playlist, I'm just about 150 songs short...great.
Here are some of my dilemmas:
1) I've got the venue, but now that our stimulus checks are coming in later than we expected, I'm not 100% sure where we're going to get the rest of the money for it by June 5.
2) the dressmaker that I got recommended to had a family emergency so we haven't even started yet. She swears it only takes a month to do, but i dont want to have it ready at the last minute!
3) Speaking of dress, although losing 15 pounds in 3 weeks on the atkins was awesome, I've still got like 25 pounds i want to lose but can't stand the atkins another minute. I want to start Weight Watchers but that requires money I don't exactly have at the moment. And of course i'm getting face to face with temptations every day! it was Gema's bday today so of course there were cupcakes...i love cupcakes. And it was Darcy's birthday on tuesday so there was cake then too. I am trying really really hard to be good. I've really just gotta start exercising. I absolutely REFUSE to be this fat on my wedding day. Those pictuers will last forever and I don't want to puke every time I see them because I Iook like a whale.
4) I need to get together with my stepmom Marisol to arrange when and where we're going to get the flowers from, but apparently that side of the family is none too pleased with me at the moment. I have nothing against Marisol whatsoever, but apparently since I was "so incredibly hurtful" to my dad (b/c he's a big baby), she's mad at me now too...whatever. If it wasn't for really needing the hookup for these flowers I wouldn't care so much. I honestly don't even know what I did that was so bad! So I told my dad that i didn't want my abuelo or anyone to be rude that day, and he took such major offense. Again - whatever.
5) I'm really stressing about Cesar's mom and brothers being ale to get here. I couldn't imagine his family not being there, but roundtrip tickets + hotel + rental car for 3 people for a week is soooo expensive and his family's been falling on financially hard times. I just wish that we were in a place where we could help them out more. I've been meaning to get started on writing that letter to Oprah (another long story) but I just haven't had time. Which brings me to dilemma #6.....
6) I'm really freaking out about this teaching thing. I've got an interview with a charter school in downtown on saturday, but i dont think i really want to work at a charter school, or any school downtown. I'm still working on my resume and teacher portfolio, and hopefully i can finish that tonight, but I'm just SO afraid of not getting hired anywhere. There's been some major education cutbacks and they're not hiring as many teachers, plus I graduated 2 years ago already and my teaching experience afterwards didn't last very long. I know I need to think positively, but the thought of being at my current job for a whole other year scares the crap outta me. I mean, i really love my boss and the people i work with, but this is just not the work i want to be doing for too long. This is a job - teaching is a career. if i ever want to move up in this world and have a family anytime soon, I have got to start teaching. And on top of all of this, I'm planning a wedding at the same time i'm trying to get this done. I am so smart.
Well, this has turned into quite a monster of an entry. I haven't been on here for a while and I guess I just really needed to vent, but I've got quite a few things to do. I'll probably come back to vent a little more tomorrow.