The Sanctuary of Rock

Jan 10, 2011 22:20

Way to have a pretentious title Laura. But to me the were here is retreating, and as I have always found peace while climbing (it's a passion of mine) I figure it might be this Were's sanctuary as well.

But anyhow, this piece was just awesome to work on, too much fun. I don't even know where to begin except that it began in the awesome Myenia's talented hands. This was a collaboration I did with her, she sketched it and I painted it, and damn but it was fun. This will either be up for sale at FC (assuming I get in the art show as apparently the app I thought I turned in either I didn't or got lost - one way or another it will be there) or perhaps in the art show at Furry Fiesta if someone doesn't make me an offer I can't refuse. We will be offering a limited edition run of archival prints of these pieces. This was such a blast to work on, and I hope to do another piece with her in the future. Hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.

It will be a run of 50 and they will be $20 and will be 8.5"x11"
Art is © to Laura Garabedian and Myenia

limited edition, werewolf, collaboration, watercolor, laura, lauragarabedian, garabedian, the sanctuary of rock

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