Ramblings, and a little art...

Jan 06, 2011 22:03

So I started the year with a mild case of the flu and a killer case of allergies. Todd started it with a case of the flu that knocked him over, and he hardly ever gets sick.

It got me thinking though, and realizing how my body was trying to tell me to get out of my last job.

I have always been a healthy person. I eat right, I exercise, and I'd rarely get sick. I mean, a few times a year, but rarely badly and would get over it pretty quickly.  But despite all of that at my time at my last job I was so stressed out for so long no matter what I did (huge doses of Vit C and Airborne, cutting out anything unhealthy) I got sick at least once every other month, my joints bothered me and I had more back problems than I ever had in my life.  I mean, looking back I realize it, but it was totally unapparent to me at the time, I  had no idea what an adverse affect this stress was putting on my body.

I rarely want to go back and change things. And honestly I still wouldn't - given a time machine and a paradox negator - but man. I really would like to go back and shake myself silly.  It isn't worth the stress.  I thought it would be good for me, that it was worth it to have those few years of graphic design on my resume. I thought that at least it was close enough to my field (illustration) that I should stick with it.

All I did was hurt myself (literally - stress degraded my joints and then tore a tendon). And emotionally scarred me from the workplace trauma (sexual harassment and verbal abuse).  So I learned from this and want to share it with all you artists out there.  Don't keep yourself in a job that is miserable because it is in the field. ESPECIALLY if it isn't even exactly  your field. And don't put up with the sexual harassment it is never that good of an opportunity.

If I have to get a part time job, and I may yet, I think I will get it in an art shop, or a book store, or an outdoor store. Get a position totally unrelated to what I put all of my passion into. That way it can just be a job, a chance to get out and socialize in a realm that I have a passion for but is not my passion.

So yeah.  I know I rambled on quite a bit, and I know most of you have heard this, but I figured I'd be one more voice in the crowd. Put your health first. And if you have been having a lot of problems and can't find a physical reason, see if you mental health is taking a toll on it, and if there is any way you can fix it.

In other news, here have art!

I did this steampunk hound for a wonderful commissioner who is always a blast to work with and gives me a lot of artistic license.

And this wee gryphon was an excercise in color and working tiny.  The image is 2.5x3.5 on a 3x5 sheet of watercolor paper. Funfunfun

health, well being, 2011, steampunk, mental health, copper, kyousuke, gryphon

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