One of those days...

Apr 12, 2012 12:30

When I should have listened to that little voice in my head that said "No. Stay home"

Planning on heading up to get my pups haircut by a friend. Back of my head nagging me "Do you really need to do this? Why don't you just borrow clippers? It's a long drive. That's a lot of gas.  Cars registration is out you're gonna have to drive carefully" And I told my back of my head to shut the heck up because Isis would look so much better if someone who knew how to do it cut her hair. And it would totally be worth the trip to hang out with a friend. And I would just drive carefully.

And I thought I did. In the middle of a pack of cars I got pulled over. And got a ticket.  Luckily he didn't say anything about the registration but I'm just so freaking frustrated. I was going the same speed as everyone else, so honestly wasn't paying to much attention to the posted speed b/c I figured I was mid-pack and mid-pack in the middle lane is normally slightly over speed but not much.  Well. Apparently not this time. Apparently we were going 70 in a 55 (though when I looked down it was 65 but again, just keeping up w/pack, I don't know where he tagged me). And now I have a court date. And I'm looking at that ticket and thinking how I just thought I was getting to where I thought I was doing decent for money and now I've got this...

I should have just stayed home.

crappy day, april, 2012, ticket

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