In the aftermath

Jun 29, 2011 18:33

Post Con Report AC

I feel like I should do a post con report. The funny thing is, at this point, because of the sheer exhaustion of having 3 cons back to back... it's all kind of fuzzy.  But here is what I know. AC was GREAT.  Just fantastic people, great con staff, had fun doing panels, and overall lovely experience.

Here are the things that stood out.
A) I did panels!! And people seemed to like them? I hope they did at least? I sort of feel like I babbled on like a moron but hopefully I was also informative? And you learned probably more weird sidetracky facts that you didn't really need to know but whatever...
B) I had an assistant! which was novel! And meant I didn't feel EXCEEDINGLY guilty if I went to the restroom, but I did still feel sort of guilty. Which of course means I missed a lot of people I wanted to go visit.
C) Had dinner in a church! Which was also a Brewery! And Got a Pint Glass! Woohoo! And NOMNOMNOM delicious onion soup and perogies....
4... errrr... D) Neighbors were full of win. Sat by Ursula Vernon and Myenia, and they were fantastic. And I was across from SofaWolf. Best seat in the house, for humor, art and chill environment.
E) So Joo (or somehow spelling it) So Joo and sushi... nomnomnom
F) The WONDERFUL guy who traded me BlackSad for a badge. YOU Sir are full of win. You gave me a gift that I can't begin to thank you for. I have been wanting it for ages and couldn't justify the expense. I've already read it once, and am going back and studying panels and lighting now. Thank you.
G)Driving. Oh dear GOD I am glad to no longer be driving.

And last but not least (by any stretch of the terms) Mass amounts of SQUEEing over going to the national aviary with WindFalcon, who is wonderful and brilliant and talented. Where we both squeed over black kites, and condors, and cuckoos, and feathers, and penguins and and and and and and and...
And now I'm getting back to work. I have a couple large commissions and a couple small commissions to get back to. Everyone who is expecting e-mails about work, you'll get them tomorrow, still sorting out my bags.

Cheers, and Chipperness
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