A-KON Wrap up

Jun 13, 2011 08:59

I feel like this should be in teenage girl speak "Like OMG the con this weekend, it was like, so fantastic, and like, there were so many sweet cosplayers there and like...." Just because I heard THAT all weekend.  But I'll refrain because really, just because I was subjected to it doesn't mean I need to subject YOU to it!

Wow though. A-KON was FANTASTIC for me this year. I think my brain intentionally blocked out how long the days are at A-KON and how crazy intense the con is.  I think it is a safety mechanism, if I remembered all of that I probably wouldn't keep signing up, but I do really enjoy the con, it is an absolute blast seeing all the cosplayers, I got to meet a lot of wonderful people and made some great contacts.  I had the joy of sitting between the awesome Dusty of http://www.scuttlebutt-inc.com/ and the lovely people of Pan-Gaia designs who do fabulous kimonos and jewelry.  Also, the location of the booth was fantastic! I was right outside the dealers room doors so got a lot of traffic due to flow/lines for the dealers doors.

On that note, can anyone explain why when the alley opens people immediately wait in line to get in the dealers den? I mean most of those people have merch. Merch you can order. And are likely not out of right? Why wait in line for an hour or two to get in rather than peruse the alley/chat with people. Dusty didn't know either.

By the end of the con though I was ready to drop. And realized I sold out of most of my stickers so need to make more. Than realized I somehow got to the end of my sticker making material and now it won't be in until Tuesday 'sometime' when I kind of was planning on leaving for this road trip Tuesday morning *palmface* so I guess we already have delays for our trip *sighs*. Serves me right for not double checking.  My buttons went over really well though, so that was cool, I'll have to keep stocking those designs, 'twas a fun product to have and doesn't take up much space. I also got rid of A LOT of mugs there, which was really neat! I love carrying mugs, and LOVE the idea that people get to see my art in the morning with their tea/coffee etc. I just think that is too cool.

Now onward, to prep for my equine anatomy panel and to get my packing together!

wrap up, conventions, a-kon, dallas, con, 2011

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