
May 05, 2011 10:35

I know it is rather silly, but I get attached to inanimate objects when they have a large part in my life. And thus the fact that today a bid a fond farewell to my faithful litte truck is a bit nostalgic.  It is staying in the family, as my dad bought it off me, but I will miss the sturdiness and nonchalance that having a truck offers.

This was my first car, and has been a faithful little truck for eleven years now.  It has on numerous occassions gotten me out of tough situations simply by being a truck.  Parked in in front of a curb? no problem, it's a truck, we'll jump it.  Locked in a parking lot overnight? - no problem, they didn't fence the whole lot, we can get out of there.  Really crappy roads for this climbing trip we're looking at? no worries, we'll take the truck.

I am super excited about my new little car, but I know I will now have to pay better attention to parking lot closing times and if I get parked in... well, I'll be stuck.  But at least it's staying around, I have visiting rights.  But it is still going to feel like a long drive today as I go to drop it off.

nostalgia, truck, car, trading in, memories

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