Just keep swimming...

May 04, 2011 17:57

Sung in a minor key.
For no apparent reason other than that I like minor keys dammit.

Ehm... so, anyhow.  Life is getting better.  Due to the kind help of various commissioners/friends etc. finances are looking better, still not great, but heckuva lot better than they were two weeks ago.

Still nervous about driving my car... more car adventures to come tomorrow I'm sure...

We ripped out the really ugly prickly distorted holly bushes and planted roses, and in various containters veggies and herbs, and in the gardens we planted sunflowers, strawflowers, and all sorts of other seeds.
So that was a week or two ago, and despite torrential downpours, that really did wash some of the seeds away, the sunflowers seem to have survived, as have a few of the hollyhocks. So HOOORAY! Tiny little things that once were little things that looked like rocks are now growing! No matter how many times I plant seeds that it never ceases to amaze.

And they brought Matboard!
Okay so watching the fedex guy try and manage a rather large box under one arm and the awkward large but narrow box of matboard with the other hand was fairly hilarious, I looked out the window to see him laughing at himself tripping up my walkway, so I ran out and helped him (and prayed that he really was fedex as his van was unmarked - he later explained that it was brand new, hadn't been painted yet).
So this metric ton of matboard is in for a show I'm doing next friday. It is pretty schwank and a one day event so I was honored to be invited and am sure I am going to stick out like a sore thumb, but whatever - very exciting.  I was... umm... lazy? I guess? got a lot of pre-cut matboard as last time I had to cut out a metric ton of mats mine and my boys wrists bothered us for over a week, so decided I'd buy standard cut mats and only cut my own of the weird sizes/colors.

So yay! Life is looking up, seeds are sprouting, roses are blooming, birds are bathing in my birdbath

And here have art! That's why you're really here right?
Scanned like crap, I'll try again later but don't expect much better - boo.

BTW if you read this Ursula and you prefer this - just ask it's yours :)

Original for sale, prints, mugs, stickers, magnets etc.. all available

creature, seeds, tiger, swimming, treetiger, watercolor, birds, laura, art, tree, treecreature

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