Torchwood/Dr Who - fic & art - The Amazing Adventures of Toshiko Sato, PG (1 and 2/15?)

Aug 13, 2007 01:04

You may have seen this as a complete version at the weekend; I'm editing and re-posting it.

Title - The Amazing Adventures of Toshiko Sato
Author - laurab1
Rating - PG
Characters (these parts) - Toshiko Sato, Nine, Rose, TARDIS
Length - ~1240 words
Summary - written for the AU round, on tw_exchange, Prompt 43, Tosh (or Gwen) wasn't recruited by Torchwood - she left to explore the universe with the Doctor.
Spoilers - 1.4 Aliens of London to 1.13 The Parting of the Ways
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people/aliens/timeships are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

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The Amazing Adventures of Toshiko Sato
by Laura

1 - Aliens of London

Dr Toshiko Sato read the results of the tests she’d just conducted on the body laying on her table.

It appeared to be a pig, but its brain was wired up with technology that she had never seen before. Given that she worked in the lower levels of UNIT, Tosh applied Occam’s Razor and decided that what she had in her possession was indeed an alien.

Even if it did look like a pig.

So when she was asked to keep it out of sight until the experts arrived, she did so, sliding it into a morgue drawer.

And then the pig-alien woke up, squealing like mad; it wasn’t as dead as she thought it had been.


Tosh cowered on the floor, scared.

A man in a black leather jacket stormed into the morgue, followed by some soldiers. She watched him take in the situation; the drawer open, the room in general disarray.

“It's alive!” she exclaimed, when she found her voice.

“Spread out. Tell the perimeter it's a lockdown,” he ordered the soldiers, before coming over to her, and taking her hands.

“Oh, my God! It was still alive.”

“Do it!” the man said, when the soldiers didn’t move. On this second order, they did move.

The man turned back to her, and Tosh said, “I swear it was dead.”

“Coma, shock, hibernation, anything,” he said.

And she knew he had a point. An alien might not necessarily appear dead in the same way that anything from Earth would.

“What does it look like?”

Before she could tell him, there was another noise.

“It's still here,” he said quietly.

Standing, watching the room, he summoned a hovering soldier, who came and sat next to Tosh. Then there was an almighty crash, shots were fired, angry voices were raised.

Minutes later, the hopefully-dead-this-time pig-alien was back on Tosh’s table.


“Who are you?” Tosh asked the man in the leather jacket.

“The Doctor.”

Judging by the tone of his voice, and the folded arms, that was all she was going to get. Sighing a little, she went on, asking, “I just assumed that's what aliens look like, but you're saying it's an ordinary pig from earth?”

“More like a mermaid. Victorian showmen used to draw the crowds by taking the skull of a cat, gluing it to a fish and calling it a mermaid. Now someone's taken a pig, opened up its brain, stuck bits on, then they've strapped it in that ship, made it dive bomb. It must have been terrified. They've taken this animal and turned it into a joke.”

Not an alien at all, then. "So it's a fake, a pretend, like the mermaid? But the technology augmenting its brain, it's like nothing on earth. It's alien. Aliens are faking aliens. But why would they do that?”

Tosh turned to the Doctor for his thoughts, only to discover that he’d disappeared. Dumping the chart on the table, she ran out into the corridor, shouting his name a couple of times.

But all she found was a mysterious wind, and a faint noise that she couldn’t name. Tosh went back to the morgue.


2 - Magic Box

Later, she heard the noise again, and out of thin air, a blue box, a police telephone box...appeared in the morgue.

Tosh wasn’t really surprised to see the Doctor emerge from it, accompanied by a young blonde woman.

“Dr Sato!” he said, leaning against the door of the box. “D’you wanna see some real aliens?”

She didn’t answer immediately, too many things to think about. And then she considered exactly what had just happened. “Aren’t I looking at one right now?”

“Smart girl, Toshiko.” He grinned at her. “D’you wanna come?”

“What about my job?”

He looked away for a few seconds, apparently hiding something from her. “We can have you back here just ten minutes later."

“Yeah, right,” the girl snorted.

He ignored her, and continued, “Travels in time and space, she does,” he said, indicating the box with his head.


“She’s a ship, of course she’s a she. The TARDIS. My TARDIS. Best ship in the universe.”

“Is that why there’s wires everywhere, an’ you need the hammer?” the girl asked, smiling up at him.

“Oi! She’s very, very old; she doesn’t always work properly.”

“Can say that again.”

“Doctor?” Tosh asked. “How on Earth are all three of us going to fit in there?

“You’ll see,” the girl said, “if you come. I’m Rose, by the way.”

Tosh slipped off her lab coat, placing it on the back of a chair, and grabbed her handbag. “Doctor,” she said, “I would love to see some real aliens.”

“Fantastic!” He grinned madly, and pushed the doors open.

Rose grinned as well, took Tosh’s hand and pulled her into the TARDIS.


It was bigger on the inside.

Of course.

Rose let go of her hand, and went to join the Doctor at what were presumably the controls.

Tosh looked around the room, in awe and wonder. Coral struts, a pulsing central column... She ran a hand down one of the struts. A thought went through her mind, but she kind of dismissed it. How would that even work?

A few minutes later, in her head, Tosh felt what she could only describe as a warm presence, and wondered, again. “Doctor? Is this ship alive? And telepathic?” She joined them at the column.

“Yeah, Toshiko. She in your head, already?” The Doctor was pushing buttons and levers.

“I think so.”

“She must like you, then. Nothin’ to say about the size?”

“Bigger on the inside,” she said. For the sake of saying it.

“TARDIS: Time And Relative Dimensions In Space,” Rose explained. “Where’re we going next, then?”

“Toshiko? Anywhere particular you’d like to go?”

“Or anywhen?”

“Yeah, that too.”

“Surprise me.”

“Alright. You asked for it, so don’t go blamin’ me if you have to run for your lives.” Another mad grin.

The tubes in the central column rose and fell, there was a familiar grinding noise, and they were off, Tosh assumed.

“You shouldn’t have said that,” Rose whispered to her, smiling. “God knows where he’ll take us. Or when. And we always have to run for our lives.”

“Surely that’s half the fun?” Tosh chanced, smiling back at her.

Rose gave her an even bigger grin, and said, “Yeah, it is. D’you wanna hear about the year five billion and twenty three, Toshiko?”

“Five billion and twenty three?”

“First trip, he took me to see the end of the world, on Platform One, this space station. Or I could tell you about the Gelth, in Cardiff, in 1869. Then there’s the shop dummies made of living plastic, and the Slitheen...”

“Tell me about the future, Rose.”

She told her story - Cassandra, spider-bots, the Face of Boe, Jabe - and Toshiko listened intently. She’d enjoy travelling in time and space with these two.

Or was it three?


Japan, just a few years into the future, that’s where and when they went.

They visited as many electronics shops as possible, marvelling at the tiny mobile phones and TVs, and the next generation of games consoles.

It was incredibly exciting.

They returned to the TARDIS. Once inside, Tosh said, “Thank you, Doctor. That was great. All that tech! Now, I think you promised me real aliens?”

Starting the engines, he grinned at her. “You’re welcome, Toshiko. Yeah, I did promise you real aliens. Off we go, then.”



art, rose, torchwood, ninth doctor, tardis, tosh, dr who, crossover, fic

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