Doctor Who - fic - Fireworks, Jack/Martha, 15 (spoilers to DW 3.13)

Jul 14, 2007 01:43

Another entry for the Porn Battle -

Title - Fireworks
Author - laurab1
Rating - 15
Characters/Pairing - Jack/Martha, Ten, TARDIS
Length - 500 words
Summary - Even if the Doctor’s not interested, Jack certainly is, and Jack Harkness really is the most beautiful man Martha has ever seen.
Spoilers - All of DWS3, but particularly Utopia, The Sound of Drums & The Last of the Time Lords
Disclaimer - alas, none of these people are mine
Feedback is loved and appreciated :) Enjoy!

by Laura

Once it’s over, the Doctor goes off into the depths of the TARDIS (she’s still not yet completely healed, the poor thing) and she and Jack are in the console room, talking it out.

Soon, everything becomes too much. Martha just needs someone to hold her, and Jack’s there; rocking her, kissing the top of her head.

But she finds she needs something more. Even if the Doctor’s not interested, Jack certainly is, and Jack Harkness really is the most beautiful man Martha has ever seen.

So she moves out of his tight hold, but stays within his arms. She looks him straight in the eye, and kisses him.

Closed-mouth, but on the lips, and just once.

“Is that all you’ve got, Martha?” he says, smiling down at her.

“Do you want to show me what you’ve got, then, Captain?” she challenges.

He just gives her an extremely naughty grin, promising all sorts of mischief, and pulls her close again, stroking his hands over her back.

Pressing her against a coral strut, Jack kisses her.

Martha has never been kissed like this before.

Jack kisses her face, first, just small, quick kisses, before he runs his lips over hers, and gently pushes them open. Then he kisses her a little deeper; his tongue inside her mouth, stroking hers, going over her teeth.

All that really would be enough, and Martha’s seriously thinking about dragging Jack off to her room, when he pulls away, and breathes into her mouth a few times. She’s sure she sees a faint golden glow accompany the breaths, but Jack doesn’t give her a chance to think about that.

“Wait, sweetheart,” he whispers, just kissing her lips.

Martha can feel Jack’s smile. Immediately, he’s kissing her deeply again, slowly stroking her tongue.

Then it’s like Jack’s somehow purposely switched on the Vortex, the Heart of the TARDIS, the thing that’s inside him, keeping him alive, because the stroking and the breaths explode into what she can only describe as tiny fireworks, in her mouth.

‘Alcohol’s got nothing on this,’ Martha thinks. The fireworks travel through her body, settling in...

...Well, Jack knows exactly where they’ve settled, as he then begins caressing her hips, which sends Martha over the edge.

Jack catches her, and he gently eases her back down, kissing her more softly. Eventually, he pulls away, taking his hands with him.

She’s still buzzing a little, and feels like teasing him. “Is that all you’ve got, Jack?”

“You’re looking pretty satisfied with it, though, Martha. But I’m sure I could find some more for you...” he grins.

“In bed?”

“Who says we need to be in bed? I don’t think the TARDIS will mind if we make love right here. She’ll probably be extremely happy to accommodate us, to be honest. Might even help her to heal.”

“What are we waiting for, then?”

“Nothing, sweetheart,” Jack says.


Later, they can both sense how happy and healthy the TARDIS is; the beautiful, sentient and loving ship.


jack, torchwood, tenth doctor, martha, tardis, smut, dr who, fic, het

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