You know, the QC conference was overall a good time for me, even though I broke down emotionally on the first night at the Uni Bar (pubs are not my scene), and choked on pretzels on movie night. Despite, or in addition to these I was able to loosen up a bit and share some of my fears and concerns to a few folk. And the emotional breakdown I've come to expect for myself, so I was happy to get it out of the way at the start of the thing.
I felt back then old and sick and ugly. No change to that right now, it's just that I'm not letting it get to me.
But other things were tagged for action somewhere down the line. Looking at myself in a mirror at Castro's, I looked like a beach ball with legs - there was no waist, no shape that I desire to keep there. And for the whole of the conference, I was huffing and panting just walking down the street to the shuttle bus let alone into town. The spur on my foot played up a lot so I really didn't want to dance much either. Thing is that the spur might not be that much of a problem, provided that I lose weight. I had other problems with my legs as well - sharp pains in my upper thighs which I have no idea are, but are uncomfortable all the same. My ankles seemed to go at times as well.
It wouldn't hurt to lose weight, but it's difficult for me to do so.
My asthma was playing up as well I think, though that was a minor irritant. What was out in force was fear brought on by my anxiety disorder. I couldn't stay at the Woman's Caucus because of a reaction to the question ("what's your preferred pronoun?") in the name round. Had more than a few instances where I just had to leave.
These problems are getting worse, and I don't really know what to do.