A number of things have helped since Sunday.
I saw both my counsellor and my backup supervisor on Tuesday. If ever I need a counsellor it was then, and it helped clarify a number of things for me. But seeing my backup supervisor was also very helpful. It seems that I'm not as behind as I thought, it seems that compared to a lot of others I'm right on track. And there I was thinking that it was starting to get out of hand.
Still, things like Facebook are not good for me, because they're so damn easy to spend my whole day on.
Yesterday I listed to Hack on Triple-J and they had a segment on internet addition. Best to stay away from that. With Live Journal, if I'm only posting, not reading, there's less chance of being sucked dry of energy and creativity. I now have a space at uni for a study (I didn't think I needed one before, but obviously I do) and this will help too.
Also, with my web comics (at least with Tales), at my counsellor's I came to the glaring conclusion that I'd run out of plot! Am seeking to remedy that, by using
StorYBook. I started using this last year, but it wasn't until a couple of days ago that I was able to recover my project file. Believe me, this little program (which sets up scenes) does help!
Some movement, if not progress, so I'm (currently) happy.