B-O-R-E-D! yay!

Dec 26, 2004 18:27

1. What time is it? 612pm

2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Laura Leigh Evans

3. Nicknames: lolli, the freckle (watch-out!)

4. Piercing: 1 in each ear

5. Eye Color: hazel

6. Place of Birth: ft. campbell, ky

7. Favorite food: chicken and rice the way mama makes it

8. Ever been to Africa? Not yet

9. Ever been to Europe? yes, and going back this summer!

10. Love someone so much it made you cry? oui

11. Been in a car accident? most tramatic experience of my life

12. Croutons or bacon: both, thank you

13. Favorite day(s) of the week: just the entire weekend

14. Favorite Restaurant: o charleys!!!

15. Favorite Flower: lilies, orchids, and tulips (i can't choose one)

16. Favorite sports to watch: COLLEGE FOOTBALL!!! and hockey, but no luck this season!

17. Favorite hot drink: hot chocolate

18. Favorite Ice cream: strawberry!

19. Disney or Warner Bros.: disney

20. Favorite Fast Food: wendy's

21. Color of bedroom carpet: school its a weird mix of colors, home its grey

22. How many times did you fail a drivers test? 0, but permit once

23. Before this one who did you get your last email from? tyago (friend from brazil now in new jersey)

24. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? no no, im sorry i can't pick just one!

25. What do you do when you're bored? sleep or call friends constantly until someone does something with me :)

26 What time is bedtime? i go to bed as early as i can, ask my roomies - i usually go to bed before them. usually i hit the sack around 10:30 - seriously!

27. Who will respond to this email quickest? not sending it to people, yall better post your comments though! (laura is the only one getting the email of it)

28. Who is the person you sent this to least likely to respond? laura cause she sent it to me

29. Favorite TV shows? LAW and ORDER, CSI, and Desperate Housewives has been a fav at the apt recently!

30. Ford or Chevy? my rosie was a chevy, and my cavalier is a chevy.

31. Last person you went to dinner with? my dad's side of the family, we just had a family christmas, geeze too many to name them all! :)

32. What are you listening to right now? me and my dad are talking

33. What is your favorite color? PINK!!!

34. Lake, ocean or river? ocean, please!

36. Time you finished this:622pm
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